
Burning Plan

If you’re intent on doing it right, preparing for Burning Man should be a feat that tests your organisational prowess, even just as an individual participant.

Burning Man isn’t just a huge doof in the desert. It’s an opportunity to encounter a truly foreign culture, based on generosity and creativity.

I reckon you can’t properly participate in that culture unless you’re ready for environment which gave birth to Burn culture – the playa, also known as the Black Rock Desert.


It’s an equally majestic and inhospitable place. Golden alkali flat earth, cracked and baked by a relentless sun, with scattered drifts of sand and dust.

At night, the temperature drops near freezing. Dust storms, vicious winds and sporadic downpours can obliterate your eyes, your tent, and bring your entire experience to a miserable standstill.

Unless you’re ready.

Which means writing a fuck-off packing list and having everything you need to survive.


Now all of this sounds like a masochistic ordeal because I haven’t mentioned the things that make Burning Man worth going to.

Gigantic structures and impossibly engineered interactive artworks. Colossal mutant vehicles trundling round the desert blasting tunes. Titanic platforms for people, with open eyes, ears, hearts and arms to wear, say, do, sing and make.

The overwhelming majority of these gifts great and small are built and made by volunteers. Some grants from the Burning Man org help cover costs, but even the designers and builders of Temple compete to give up their time each year.

Each of those volunteers is self-reliant before they help build, and that’s the case with our little crew for Pleiadian Oasis. We’ve all flown out from Sydney with our own money, time and energy to build something for a foreign festival that will last a week.

Don’t misinterpret this as a whinge, or that we’re seeking a pat on the back. We’re also thankful to the support in our fundraisers by generous Sydneysiders who are encouraging our vision.

The point of this is that it’s worth it.

Countless hours planning, preparing, packing, building.

It’s worth it to contribute to a culture that can offer the lesson that generosity is beautiful, that art is meaningful, and that if it isn’t easy to party, you party all the harder.





Make do

I believe that every human being is an artist.

Your days are your canvas, and your life is your masterpiece.

Make something great. Make love. Make friends. Make communities. Make families.  Make memories. Make the world a better place in your own way. Hell, make money if you have something good to spend it on.

Make each moment yours.

This is what I made today.

I made it for the same reason I make most things – because I had the time, I had the tools, and I know that one day I will be dead.

Between the womb and grave are our frames.

Each life hangs untitled in a gallery of galaxies.

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Building in Reno

Today we cranked up the pace of the Pleiadian Oasis build at the Generator Space in Reno. A volunteer built and run establishment, it’s a true inspiration to be in a huge building dedicated exclusively to artists building for Burning Man. The whole joint hums with machinery – laser cutters, arc welders, machine tools – every power tool dedicated to some absurd vision. Like the vision of our crew of Sydneysiders to build a constellation in the desert.



The art that’s being worked on at the Generator is extraordinary. Keeping details as vague as possible to avoid spoilers, they feature; A giant chicken. A an elegant phoenix. A large snail, built by a European team that includes Frenchmen.



Despite being at least a city block in size, there’s so much art being made that teams are working in pretty close proximity, not too close to feel cramped, but close enough for some quality camaraderie.


Lina from South Carolina – a Reno local and one such friendly neighbour in the space – invited us to the VIP room – on the roof. Watching the sun slide past the desert mountains ringing Reno was a glorious moment to end a long day of cuitting and drilling.


More building and prep tomorrow as we ramp up towards the eclipse and then the Burn.

✌👓 🔥





For those about to burn

It’s the eve of my flight to the U.S. en route to build Black Rock City.

I’ve completed all my little rituals:

> Started a new notebook,

> Drawn out an illustrated list of what I’m packing

> Filled devices with new books and music

> Road-tested all my music gear (see below).

I feel calmer and more centred than before any other Burn trip, and I think it’s because of the purpose than animates my journey. I’m going to build, to serve Starchild’s vision for the Pleiadian Oasis. A tribute to a constellation formed by sculptures in the dust. A safe space for wayfarers in all phases of consciousness.

Once the Oasis is built, I’m going to keep serving the people. I’m going to gift my beatbox buffet and musical restaurant experience spontaneously all over the playa. Plus I have several set times on the Center Camp stage.

I’m more confident than ever in my performing and recording gear and I’ll be making videos and telling stories as often as I possibly can.

I hope you can join me on the adventure, whether it’s on the web or in the flesh.



Spontaneous jam, pre-burn


2016 – Audio Retroviral